I first developed an interest in photography as a geology student, photographing landscapes and geology in the field as well as my fellow students at play (and occasionally at work). Throughout my career in oil and gas exploration I have travelled to many remote locations around the world, always taking my camera, observing the landscape and where possible the people as well as the geology.
It was therefore only natural that after my wife and I bought a cottage in North Bovey in 2004 that I began to take photographs on and around Dartmoor, not just of the landscape and geology but also of the everyday rural life of those who live and work on and around Dartmoor in the county of Devon in the southwest of England
Photography allows me to capture the uniqueness of different environments and cultures, as well as those fleeting moments in time when quite mundane landscapes or activities can be transformed into something special by the light or the weather conditions.

I have had various images published irregularly in a variety of newspapers and magazines such as Dartmoor Magazine and the Western Morning News, and regular articles and features with accompanying photographs in The Moorlander newspaper. Additionally, I have had a number of photographs published in association with articles and papers that I have authored or co-authored in selected geoscience industry publications and academic journals such as GeoExpro magazine. I have also supplied many images to community projects and associated websites local to where I live on Dartmoor, in Devon, UK.
In today’s rapidly changing world traditional ways of life be they farming practice, community events and even the mundane such as shopping habits are facing increasing challenges from the influence of modern technology, climate change, and locally, calls for the re-wilding and ‘restoration’ of Dartmoor.
I can only attempt to record a few glimpses into what is an imperceptible but ever changing world around me, that in a few years time will seem as out of date as the horse plough, the local village policeman or even the rural village Post Office is today. I hope that you enjoy seeing just a small selection of the world through my lens. If you do I would love it if you would leave a comment.