THIS PAGE IS UNDER ONGOING CONSTRUCTION, galleries yet to be loaded include travels in California, Egypt, Sub-Sharan Africa and West Siberia amongst others, but as many of the images require digital scanning from negatives and transparencies, it will be an ongoing process – WATCH THIS SPACE!
The album ‘Travels in North Korea‘ is a selection of images from my travels in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, (DPRK, i.e., North Korea), from the period 2001 to 2017. Images vary in quality, due partly to the evolution in camera capability that I travelled with over the years, and the fact that Korea is not really a country that readily allows foreigners to travel around freely and take lots of photographs everywhere.

I have been privileged to be able to travel to DPR Korea on multiple occasions on business, the purpose being to promote work on oil and gas exploration projects in partnership with the Korean government. As a geologist I was additionally fortunate in that often my visits included field expeditions into the countryside to look at the local geology and it’s potential for generating and harbouring reserves of oil and gas. This included various fieldtrips to the west of the country, and a major fieldtrip in 2011 across the country and up along the East Coast, to regions that foreigners are rarely given permission to travel to.
I was always very open about using my camera and lenses, and respected the instructions of my guides as to what was and was not an appropriate subject to photograph. However these were not photographic excursions (other than for recording images of local geology at outcrop), and so many of the non-geological images were taken from a car window whilst travelling on rural roads, so may not be as sharp, composed or optimally exposed as I would have ideally liked. (It isn’t easy to get a decent composition in focus and correctly exposed whilst bouncing at speed along an unmade road!) But I was very lucky to have the opportunity to travel to many parts of Korea that are normally inaccessible to foreigners, and for that I am grateful for the hospitality and patience of my Korean hosts (even though I did frequently wear down my translators/guides with my continuous questions about Korean culture and lifestyles!).
For anyone who is interested in the details of the cameras and exposure settings used, etc, click on the i on each image for camera model and basic exposure settings. More details of the cameras used can be found in the main menu under ‘About Me’, in the section labelled ‘Technical Data‘. In time I shall be adding captions to most of the photographs in the albums in this Gallery.
Please note that I retain Copyright on ALL images on these website, and they are not to be reproduced for publication in any format, without my express permission. If you would like to reproduce any images in any form for publication, exhibition, etc., please refer to the sections on this website for Image Sales and Licencing of Digital Images.